Because Pamplejuce is a template and not a framework, you’ll have to this somewhat manually. Sorry!

Here are the steps I do:

  1. Update with the latest CMake version listed here, or the latest version supported by your toolchain like VS or Clion.
  2. Update JUCE with git submodule update --remote --merge JUCE
  3. Update the inspector with git submodule update --remote --merge modules/melatonin_inspector
  4. Check for an IPP update from Intel.
  5. If you want to update to the latest CMake config Pamplejuce uses, first check the repository’s CHANGELOG to make sure you are informed of any breaking changes. Then. git submodule update --remote --merge cmake.
  6. Unfortunately, you’ll have to manually compare CMakeLists.txt, but most of the time it should be pretty easy to see what changed.

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