Envelopes vary quite a bit across synths. Their behavior can be surprisingly subtle and complex.

When playing a note on Sine Machine, it’s possible that some of the envelopes won’t even have reached sustain by the time you release a note and the MIDI noteOff is sent to Sine Machine.

This is actually a fun feature for patches with high offsets and attacks. Notes will only progress through the harmonics as long as you hold the note down. This gives you a lot of playful control linked to how long notes are being held. For example, by adding a lot of attack, you can have them get progressively brighter the longer the note is held.

However, you might want the opposite — to make sure the harmonics always progress through their entire envelope. Enabling Trigger Mode does just that.

With Trigger Mode on, every harmonic’s envelope always progresses through its full envelope. It will play through the full offset, attack and decay, then when it reaches the sustain it instantaneously moves to hold and release.

If you have long envelope times (> 10s), Trigger Mode will quickly build up a wall of sound! Great for ambient music, but it might be overwhelming when you are first getting the hang of it or have very harsh sounds set. Double click the moon to panic and shut up all notes.

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